Discreet Investigation of employees in the workplace and working from home
Employment Legislation is a minefield. Even with a secure case, it is infrequent for an employer to win should a matter come to tribunal. Soho Detective will collate evidence to support your case or cause a fraudulent claim to be withdrawn
Most full time employees are required to work full time for one employer only, however some will invariably breach the terms of their contract by "moonlighting" for others. We will get to the truth of a situation and provide the evidence needed
It is not uncommon for a leaving employee to take the office stapler with them, however sometimes theft can be much more serious, and injurious to your company's business. There can be no error - positive proof is essential
With portable crime scene equipment our in-house experts will visit your premises and treat impressions from items or take fingerprints from individuals for forensic development and comparison; fingerprint evidence will be 100% conclusive
London Soho Corporate Private Investigators working London. Dealing with difficult issues that interrupt the business world - from computer forensics to surveillance and in-house fingerprinting
Sensitive, confidential and discreet, we manage many aspects of personal investigation throughout London Soho from marital affairs to issues with children, drug use and tracing missing people
Process Serving & Support Services for London Soho Solicitors firms; we serve legal papers Nationally and Internationally as a one stop service, take witness statements and other forms of support
We take fingerprints for Visa & FBI in London Soho at your premises, and are the only Private Investigation with a dedicated facility in-house. Prints lifted on-site for evidence & analysis
We have a high profile in the press, on the radio and on TV in London and nationally from our being in business for two decades, but do not break confidentiality
We have won many business awards for our people and for our innovation in business - an endorsement of our standards and respectability. Follow the links to learn more